Michael Zander Panorama - Gallery II - The Mixed Bag
Michael Zander's Panorama Page
Welcome to my Panorama Page The Making of Panorama Photographs. See how much of Fun it is. The primary Gallery. All really serious Stuff, primarily travelling here and there. Galleries III A collection of links I find worthwhile to visit - on Panos. Get in touch!
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Galleries II - The Mixed

A bit of everything! Different subjects - different objects - different techniques. At the end all turned into a QTVR - giving new views on the known and unknown.


MIDs - Multiple Identities
Coimbra Town Centre - The Man and his Daughter Coimbra Town Centre - The Man and his Daughter Coimbra Town Centre - The Man with the Briefcase Coimbra Town Centre - The Man with the Briefcase Coimbra Town Centre - The old Man Coimbra Town Centre - The old Man Coimbra Town Centre
Coimbra Town Centre - The Man and his Daughter Coimbra Town Centre - The old Man

MIDs - Multiple Identities - Identical Reincarnations? This is the question one might inevitably get to when seeing a picture and finding the same person multiple times. Not always obvious. Sometimes you need to watch out for or search. Here are the ones collected which I found in my portfolio. If you move the mouse ober the blury picture above you may see what I am talking about here.


1st Trials

First Trials - Who of us cannot remember having tried to capture more of a scene, beyond what the camera is giving us with it's normal angle of view? I can well remember. Being on the top of a hill. Having a simple point and shoot camera, but moving around, scanning the horizon and taking pictures. At home - after processing - I would try to mount them to the panorama picture I had in mind. In this section, therefore, please see my first trials - even a recovered series of 30+ years old pictures taken on an early holiday trip to Sardegna. From a hil top at the time of sun set using a simple 126-format point and shoot camera. Today I mounted them digitally as I did the other panos on this site. As well you'll find there my first digital panos. You can see how difficult the start was ...


Lenauplatz LenauplatzFisheyecircular

The Miscelaneous Part - An expression always used if you do not really know how to classify something. This is the case here as well - it should not say anything negative on the content though. The major fun here comes from breaking the rules - breaking the rules of proper panorama making - making collages - and lets see what will come ...


Sweety Box

The Sweety Box - Just a dumm idea while playing around and eating some of the truely great Polish cream fudgy type of sweets called Sahne Muh-Muhs.



Verticals - If one thinks of panorama, it seemingly means wide - horizontal - from left to right. Who thinks of top to bottom? Now, once you have started stitching, its more than natural to also swivel from bottom to top and stitch what you have captured.


Deichtorhallen - Hamburg
Hafencity - Hamburg
Elbberg Campus - Hamburg

Coming from being an ordinary MP3-Player it received a certain touch and developped into a smart phone w/o phone. Who do I actually tell ...

It has Apps, it has Apps to turn single shots into a panorama photo. Instantanously, easy, with much fun, adding a new dimension.

Spontaneous, and easing the the pain you may have when let go perfection ...


© Michael Zander - 2014


Michael Zander's Panorama Page Michael Zander's Panorama Page Welcome to my Panorama Page The Making of Panorama Photographs. See how much of Fun it is. The primary Gallery. All really serious Stuff, primarily travelling here and there. Galleries III A collection of links I find worthwhile to visit - on Panos. Get in touch!